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Culver School Board Receives COVID-19 Update

Culver Community School Superintendent Karen Shuman provided an update on COVID-19 when the school board met this week.

“Marshall County is currently running very, very low on test kits, so they have recommended that anybody who is a close contact just needs to wear a mask for 10 days,” said Shuman. “If they become symptomatic, they need to quarantine for the rest of those 10 days. Students that are positive would have to quarantine again for the five days. If they’re asymptomatic, they can return after the five days as long as they remain symptom-free and wear a mask.”

Shuman said the corporation still has plenty of supplies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other germs.

“We have plenty of masks still available for people who need them. We’re still recommending the sanitation. Every teacher will be getting a case of Lysol wipes. Otherwise, we’re still running the temperature checks as students arrive or get on a school bus, just as potential mitigation to exposure.”

School officials continue to meet with the Marshall County Health Department weekly to get the latest information on protocols.

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