Marshall County Health Department K-12 School Guidance Effective January 17, 2022
Isolation Recommendations For Students With A Positive Test
Stay home for 5 days from test date
Return to school on day 6 after test date if asymptomatic or symptoms resolving and can properly mask until day 10
If unable to mask properly at all times, then the student must remain home in isolation for the full 10 days
In order to participate in extracurricular activities on day 6 a mask must be worn properly at all times through day 10.
Quarantine Recommendations For Schools With Masks
Exposed to positive COVID-19 case in the classroom
If the student remains asymptomatic, they may remain at school. They will continue to mask at all times.
The student may participate in extracurricular activities. The student must mask while not actively playing or performing (while sitting on the bench or in the locker room) for all 10 days
Exposed to positive COVID-19 case outside the classroom
Fully vaccinated (received all doses of vaccine, including booster if eligible):
Same as above
Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated:
Stay home for 5 days from last exposure.
Quarantine ends 10 days after the last day of contact with a positive case
Return on day 6 as long as asymptomatic.
Continue to mask for days 6-10
May resume extracurricular activities on day 6 if they are able to mask at all times
Quarantine Recommendations For Schools Without Masks
Exposed to a positive COVID -19 case in class or outside class
Fully vaccinated (received all doses of vaccine, including booster eligible):
May remain in school as long as they are asymptomatic.
Student must mask for 10 days. Quarantine ends 10 days after the last day of contact with a positive case.
The student may participate in extracurricular activities. The student must mask while not actively playing or performing (while sitting on the bench or in the locker room) for all 10 days
Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated:
Stay home, 5 days from last exposure. Quarantine ends 10 days after the last day of contact with a positive case
Return on day 6 if asymptomatic. Student must mask days 6-10
Students must mask days 6-10 while participate in extracurricular activities (while playing or performing)