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Memorial Hospital reaches 127 percent capacity as COVID-19 patients fill up area hospitals

SOUTH BEND, IN - If you’re unvaccinated, Dr. Donald Zimmer, an emergency room physician at Memorial Hospital in South Bend, says you’re likely to end up in the ER right beside him.

“I think what’s hardest about this phase right now is that it feels preventable,” Dr. Zimmer says.

And as Vice President of Medical Affairs Dr. Dale Patterson explains, it’s a phase that is now taking up more space in the emergency room.

“We’re keeping people in emergency room rooms. They wouldn’t normally stay there if they’re staying the hospital,” Dr. Patterson says.

In addition, more unvaccinated patients are being admitted.

“This week at memorial, 14 percent of the patients, when we were at 127 percent capacity, were vaccinated.”

Meaning, the other 86 percent of COVID-19 patients have not received their vaccines.

“Honestly, it seems like the people who have decided they’re not going to get it, they aren’t going to listen to anyone and are not going to get it,” Dr. Patterson says.

It also means that eight out of every ten people who come down with COVID-19 and end up in the hospital, have not received their shots leaving doctors like Dr. Zimmer saying sorry to those who have.

“I’m sorry for how long you had to wait. I’m sorry for seeing you in the hallway or in a room that be necessarily appropriate for your needs,” Dr. Zimmer says.

As tiring as it has been, the rise in hospitalizations also has Dr. Zimmer continuing to urge those who haven’t been vaccinated to change that as soon as possible.

“Please get your vaccines, please take care of your loved ones, please stay safe,” Dr. Zimmer says.

Officials advise to keep circles small if you are gathering this weekend or into the new year, especially with anyone who may be unvaccinated or at high risk.

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